The Twin Lake's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) connects families, our school, and our community by providing programs and services at Twin Lakes. We are committed to enriching the education of our children. This includes helping to fund the art, PE, library, music programs and improving technology on campus. As well as helping to support our dedicated Twin Lakes teachers and staff. When you are a member of the PTA, you are an advocate for your child and for all children.
Be a part of the Twin Lakes PTA! You can join through the Totem app.
Membership dues for the year are $20 (+ $1 Totem fee).
Please join us for our monthly informational meetings!
Member Meetings
October 16, 2024 7pm-8pm
December 18, 2024
April 23, 2025
Event committees are meeting many more times to plan and coordinate events. Please join an event committee if you wish to help!
Twin Lakes PTA Board Members
Twin Lakes PTA Committee Members
- Membership Coordinator
Vacant Postion
- Room Parent Coordinator
- Donation Coordinators
- Social Media Coordinator
- Hospitality Coordinator
- Website Coordinator
- Yearbook Coordinators
- Cougar Cruise Coordinator